Collier Seminole Nature Tours
Collier Seminole Nature Tours is owned and operated by a 4th generation Gladesmen swamp family. We offer a variety of everglades adventures for all types of travelers. Our tours not only give you insight into the ecology but a true sense of local culture.Our local knowledge of the swamp and the naturalist guides are sure to make your tour of the Glades a memorable experience. We are the first only company to offer traditional pole boat tours in the Florida Everglades. Pole boats have been used for centuries by native people here to hunt fish and travel the swamps, they also offer a quiet way to explore the natural beauty of the florida everglades and experience Ecotourism at its best.
By providing you with a unique and enjoyable experience, we hope to be the highlight of your vacation while at the same time creating an appreciation and awareness of the importance of preserving our natural resources and the traditional gladesmen culture In South Florida. We strive to make our tours and conduct our business as environmentally conscious as possible reaching towards International Ecotourism Society guidelines and principals.
- Kayak Rental