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Request for Proposal

The CVB welcomes your inquiries and we are happy to be your first point of contact when considering a conference or event in our destination. Please take a moment to fill out the RFP form on this page and we will assist you by ensuring that all relevant meeting providers are aware of your needs.

For personal assistance or inquiries, please contact us for assistance.

Lisa B. Chamberlain, CMP
Office: (239) 252-2425

Files must be less than 2 MB. 
Allowed file types: PDF, doc.
One file only.
256 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf, doc, docx.
Preferred Property Types
type of function, # of attendees, dietary requirements, daily functions and break outs
e.g. ADA compliance, emergency services, satellite hookups, complimentary shuttle service
Do you have an active RFP for our region?