Add a Corporate Social Responsibility Opportunity to Your Meeting

A growing number of companies and organizations are implementing business practices centered on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Group meetings, conferences and incentives can be an extension of these efforts.
The Paradise Coast is committed to providing meeting professionals with just the right CSR opportunity for your group. The local Naples Marco Island Everglades CVB embraces conservation and sustainability from both a people and planet perspective, and we are happy to have you join us by adding a rewarding CSR project to your meeting or incentive agenda.
For assistance, please contact Group Sales Manager - Lisa B. Chamberlain, CMP at (239) 252-2425.
The following nonprofit organizations offer CSR-friendly group volunteering and/or donation opportunities:
American Association of University Women, Greater Naples
Promotes equity, lifelong education and positive societal change for women and girls. To support this organization, volunteer, donate or become a member.
Contact: (239) 498-1523
Naples, FL 34101
American Red Cross Florida's Southern Gulf Chapter
Disaster preparedness and response, health and safety classes, service to the military and international training. Florida’s Southern Gulf Chapter of the American Red Cross proudly serves over 1 million residents in Collier, Glades, Hendry & Lee Counties. To support this organization, donate funds or supplies, or volunteer.
Contact: (239) 596-6868
Naples, FL 34119 chapters/souther-gulf-coast
Marco Island Center for the Arts
Promotes education and appreciation of excellence in the arts. To support this organization, become a member, donate or purchase from art sales.
Contact: (239) 394-4221
Marco Island, FL 34145
Audubon Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary
The largest forest of old-growth bald cypress in North America, with a 2.25-mile boardwalk trail that winds through the sanctuary and its wildlife. To support this organization, donate or become a Friend of Corkscrew.
Contact: (239) 348-9151
Naples, FL 34120
Ave Maria University
Committed to further teaching, research and learning in the abiding tradition of Catholic thought in both national and international settings. To support this organization, donate, become a founder or take part in naming opportunities at the new campus.
Contact: (239) 280-2500
Ave Maria, FL 34142
AVOW Hospice
Along with its divisions, Hospice of Marco Island and Hospice of Immokalee, this organization cares for Collier County residents seeking comfort, care and pain relief near the end of life, regardless of age, diagnosis or ability to pay. To support this organization, donate.
Contact: (239) 261-4404
Naples, FL 34105
The Culinary and Hospitality Education Foundation of Southwest Florida, Inc. (CHEF)
Supports culinary and hospitality industries by providing scholarships to deserving individuals in Southwest Florida. To support this organization, donate, create a scholarship or attend a fundraising event.
Contact: (239) 163-6222
Naples, FL 34103
Children's Advocacy Center of Collier County (CAC)
Provides the medical and social diagnosis of child abuse and neglect. Minimizes trauma to abused children and enhances families' capabilities to provide a safe environment. To support this organization, volunteer for the gala or golf committee.
Contact: (239) 263-8383
Naples, FL 34102
Children's Museum of Naples
The mission of the Children's Museum of Naples (C'mon) is to provide an exciting, inspiring environment where children and their families play, learn and dream together. The Children's Museum of Naples (C'mon) is a not-for-profit cultural institution loated in North Collier Regional Park. The museum is Collier County's first learning environment devoted exclusively to child's play, the serious business of discovery that helps children attain hallmark milestones on the journey into adulthood. C'mon's 30,000-square-foot building includes 17 state-of-the-art exhibits, classrooms, party rooms, a cafe and museum store.
Contact: (239) 514-0084
Naples, FL 34106
Healthcare Network of South Florida
Provides basic primary and dental care to underserved children. To support this organization, volunteer or donate.
Contact: (239) 658-3000
Immokalee, FL 34142
Coalition of Immokalee Workers
Dedicated to eliminating sweatshop conditions and modern-day slavery in the agricultural industry. To support this organization, donate, volunteer or invite a farmworker to speak at your faith community, school or community group.
Contact: (239) 657-8311
Immokalee, FL 34143
Collier County Audubon Society, Inc.
Promotes an understanding of and interest in wildlife and the natural environment that supports it, and furthers the cause of conservation of all natural resources. To support this organization, participate in our programs and field trips, volunteer or donate.
Contact: (239) 643-7822 or 800-435-7352
Naples, FL 34102
Collier County Hunger and Homeless Coalition
Numerous local agencies, consumer advocates and volunteers working collaboratively to assist the hungry, homeless and those at risk of homelessness to become self-sufficient. To support this organization, donate.
Contact: (239) 263-9363
Naples, FL 34116
Collier Harvest
Picks up donated food for delivery to area agencies feeding the hungry of Southwest Florida. To support this organization, volunteer to drive or donate food or funds.
Contact: (239) 455-3663
Naples, FL 34101
The Conservancy of Southwest Florida
Protects the unique natural environment of the region and has been doing so for more than 43 years. To support this organization, volunteer, donate or become a member.
Contact: (239) 262-0304
Naples, FL 34102
Executive Women's Golf Association, Naples Chapter
Provides opportunities for women to learn, play and enjoy the game of golf for business and for life. To support this organization, become a member, play in the tournament or participate in the golf-mentoring and education program.
Contact: (239) 434-8449
Books for Collier Kids
Provides new books to children of low-income families for them to read and own. To support this organization, donate, attend a fundraising event or adopt a group of children for the school year.
Naples, FL 34102
Friends of Artis—Naples
Supports visual arts at Artis—Naples, sponsors and underwrites lectures and exhibitions, and funds transportation of school children to exhibits. To support this organization, volunteer, donate funds or become a member.
Contact: (239) 254-2615
Naples, FL 34108
Friends of Fakahatchee
As a Citizens Support Organization, the Friends of Fakahatchee work closely with the Division of Parks and Recreation in order to accomplish the following: provide interpretive materials used by Park staff when making presentations; obtain scientific equipment to support research in the Strand; distribute Preserve information to the general public and local community; solicit support (financial and moral) for preservation of the Strand. To support this organization, donate or volunteer for special events.
(239) 695-1023
Everglades City, FL, 34139
Friends of Rookery Bay
Supports the education and coastal management programs of the 110,000-acre Rookery Bay Research Reserve, which encompasses 40% of Collier County's coastline. To support this organization, visit the Rookery Bay Environmental Learning Center, take an award-winning boat or kayak eco-tour, become a member, donate or volunteer.
Contact: (239) 530-5972
Naples, FL 34113
Friends of the Collier County Museums
Support group for the three Collier County Museums in Naples plus those in Everglades City and Immokalee. To support this organization, become a member, attend events or visit the museums.
Contact: (239) 252-8477
Naples, FL 34106-2181
Friends of the Florida Panther Refuge, Inc.
Promotes a better understanding and appreciation of the refuge and Florida panthers, and improves the status of the Florida panther in the wild through education, outreach and advocacy. To support this organization, become a member or volunteer assisting in educating the public, maintaining trails or leading guided tours.
Contact: (239) 353-8442
Naples, FL 34142
Friends of the Library of Collier County
Supports and funds library programs and services for all branches of the Collier County Library system. To support this organization, become a member, donate or volunteer.
Contact: (239) 262-8135
Naples, FL 34102
Friends of the Museum of the Everglades
To support this organization, donate or volunteer for special events.
Contact: (239) 695-0093
Everglades City, FL 34139
Friends of Tigertail Beach
Conducts projects to assist in the preservation of Tigertail Beach. Raises public awareness of this important and fragile ecosystem. To support this organization, attend an educational program or volunteer for a quarterly beach cleanup at the park or as a nature walk guide.
Contact: (239) 394-1470
Marco Island, FL 34146
Guadalupe Center of Immokalee
Serves children and families of Immokalee and breaks the cycle of poverty by providing educational, social and other support programs and resources. To support this organization, participate in annual events, donate or volunteer.
Contact: (239) 657-7711
Immokalee, FL 34142
Gulfshore Playhouse
A nonprofit professional regional theater serving Collier and Lee counties. To support this organization, donate, volunteer or become a member.
Contact: (239) 261-7529
Naples, FL 34102
Habitat for Humanity of Collier County
Builds simple, decent homes in partnership with qualifying, low-income homeowners, generous donors and hardworking volunteers. To support this organization, volunteer or make a financial contribution.
Contact: (239) 775-0036
Naples, FL 34113
Holocaust Museum & Janet G. and Harvey D. Cohen Education Center
Teaches the lessons of the Holocaust to inspire action against bigotry, hatred and violence. Educational programs, exhibits and events for students and adults. To support this organization: visit, become a member, underwrite an event or volunteer.
Contact: (239) 263-9200
Naples, FL 34103
Humane Society Naples
Provides shelter, care and adoption services for surrendered companion pets. To support this organization, donate or volunteer.
Contact: (239) 643-1555
Naples, FL 34104
Immokalee Child Care Center
Provides exceptional education programs and the highest quality child care. To support this organization, become a board member, donate or volunteer.
Contact: (239) 261-1774
Naples, FL 34105
Immokalee Foundation
Builds pathways to success for the children of Immokalee by helping them graduate from high school and complete college or career training. To support this organization, volunteer time or talent, or donate.
Contact: (239) 430-9122
Naples, FL 34104
Lorenzo Walker Technical College
Provides scholarships for needy students. The school provides workforce education for Collier County. To support scholarships, make a donation.
Contact: (239) 377-0934
Naples, FL 34104
Marco Island Foundation for the Arts
Promotes the arts in public places in Marco Island through lectures, luncheons and scholarships. To support this organization, become a member, donate or volunteer.
Contact: (239) 389-0280
Marco Island, FL 34145
Marco Island Historical Society
Discovers, researches, acquires and preserves the multifaceted history of the Marco Island-Goodland region and educates and informs the community and visitors of its dynamic heritage. To support this organization, donate, or become a member or sponsor.
Contact: (239) 389-6447
Marco Island, FL 34145
Marco Island Shell Club
Promotes the conservation, history and science of seashells and mollusks, and encourages shell-related interests, such as shell collecting, crafting and shell art. To support this organization, participate in the weekly shell-craft workshops, attend monthly meetings, participate in the annual Marco Island Shell Show.
Contact: (239) 963-4694
Marco Island, FL 34146
Marco Players
Offers the community the opportunity to participate in or attend live stage performances on Marco Island. To support this organization, volunteer, donate or become a season subscriber.
Contact: (239) 642-7270
Marco Island, FL 34146
Naples Alliance for Children
Focuses on prevention, education, advocacy, support and identification of gaps for family and children's services in Collier County. To support this organization, become a member, donate or volunteer.
Contact: (239) 649-5260
Naples, FL
Naples Art Association at the von Liebig Art Center
Dedicated to promoting and advancing education, interest and participation in the contemporary visual arts. To support this organization, become a member or volunteer.
Contact: (239) 262-6517 x105
Naples, FL 34102
Naples Botanical Garden
Provides a world-class botanical garden and connects people and plants. To support this organization, volunteer, become a member or make a donation.
Contact: (239) 643-7275
Naples, FL 34112
Naples Historical Society
Preserves our past for the future. To support this organization, become a member, volunteer or donate.
Contact: (239) 261-8164
Naples, FL 34102
Naples Philharmonic League
Supports and promotes the interests and growth of the Naples Philharmonic Orchestra and its youth music education programs. To support this organization, volunteer, donate funds or become a member.
Contact: (239) 254-2777
Naples, FL 34108
Naples Players
Creates and performs affordable, high-quality community theatre and educational and enrichment opportunities for all citizens and visitors. To support this organization, volunteer, attend performances or donate.
Contact: (239) 434-7340 ext. 14
Naples, FL 34102
Naples Zoo at Caribbean Gardens
Offers wildlife exhibits and a botanical garden while promoting the preservation of wild areas and their inhabitants. To support this organization, visit the zoo, become a member or volunteer.
Contact: (239) 262-5409
Naples, FL 34102
NCH Healthcare Foundation
Largest nonprofit, community-based provider of inpatient services in Collier County.
Executive Contact: (239) 624-2000
Naples, FL 34106-0234
Neighborhood Health Clinic
Quality healthcare for low-income residents of Collier County. To support this organization, donate, attend events or volunteer.
Contact: (239) 529-2254
Naples, FL 34102
Redlands Christian Migrant Association (RCMA)
Creates and fosters opportunities for children of migrant farm workers and other low-income, rural families to maximize the choices in their lives. To support this organization, volunteer or donate.
Contact: (800) 282-6540
Immokalee, FL 34142
Sea Excursion's 10,000 Islands Dolphin Project
To engage the general public in daily, structured encounters with wild dolphin that 1.) results in meaningful information for resource managers, universities and marine research organizations and 2.) increases public awareness of Southwest Florida's marine life, their habitat and the need to care, protect and conserve their environment.The 10,000 Islands Dolphin Project is privately funded and supported by corporate advertising sponsors. Potential advertising sponsors are invited to participate.
Contact: (800) 979-3370
Shelter for Abused Women & Children
Dedicated to creating a community free from domestic violence. To support this organization, donate or volunteer.
Contact: 239-775-3862
Naples, FL 34101
Southwest Florida Archaeological Society
Records and preserves the prehistoric resources of our area. Educates the public about our rich archaeological history. To support this organization, attend presentations, volunteer or donate.
Contact: (239) 597-2269
Naples, FL 34101
Special Olympics of Collier County
Provides year-round sports training and athletic competition for persons with intellectual disabilities. Athletes develop physical fitness, demonstrate courage, experience joy and
participate in a sharing of gifts, skills and friendship with their families, other Special Olympic athletes and the community. To support this organization, volunteer or donate.
Contact: (239) 775-1991
Naples, FL 34109
United Arts Council of Collier County
Compiles an arts calendar of events, promotes the entire arts community, advocates for the arts and provides arts education for at-risk children. Designated by the state as the official arts agency for Collier County. To support this organization, become a member, sponsor an event or donate.
Contact: (239) 263-8242
Wishing Well Foundation, Inc.
Grants wishes and gives ongoing support to children in Collier and Lee counties with life-threatening illnesses. To support this organization, volunteer.
Contact: (239) 642-6333
Naples, FL 34103
Greater Marco Family YMCA
Put Christian principles into practice with programs that build a healthy mind, body and spirit. To support this organization, donate or volunteer for special events.
Contact: (239) 394-3144
Marco Island, FL 34145
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